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It Snowed!

It’s 2020. And we all need some cheer. Let’s welcome the end of this wonderful (can you sense our sarcasm?)
year with some snow
and a fundraiser for the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.

Final Snow Total


Final Donation Total



We have been fortunate this year to be able to quarantine and work from home. Others have not been able to do the same. Demand for food assistance has increased more than 40% in central Pennsylvania due to the pandemic. We’re going to try to help out. So here’s the plan.

For every inch of snow that lands in our front yard, we’re going to donate $15 to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. If we only end up with a light dusting, we’ve already made a base donation – $150. We need to start somewhere. Our goal: whatever the snow total x $15.

For every $1 donated, the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank can provide 6 full meals through a Virtual Food Drive. It is a simple and immediate way to help end hunger in central Pennsylvania. Will you join us? 

The Forecast (Was Wrong)

We were forecasted to receive 14-20″ of snow.  abc27 Meteorologist Brett Thackara said it was possible to see more. But, it all shifted north. (Of course it did. It’s 2020.)

Please don’t judge our front yard.

We moved into our home last year and have been trying to grow grass. From street level, it looks *ok*. But this wonderful view from the second floor shows you all of the lovely imperfections. 

Update: you can’t see our terrible grass anymore! But you should still donate to honor it. It’s there. Barely.

To honor our front yard, please donate to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!